1. Pay attention to the following statement!
1. Occurrence of day and night
2. Change of seasons
3. There is a time difference
4. Occurrence of the annual apparent motion of the sun
The effect of the rotation of the earth is indicated by the number...
a)1 and 3
b)2 and 3
c)1 and 4
d)2 and 4
2. Pay attention to the following statement!
1) its orbit is between Jupiter and Venus
2) famous for his ring
3) has a natural satellite
4) its orbital plane lies between Venus and Mars
The characteristics of the planet Earth are shown in the number…
a)1 and 3
b)1 and 2
c)3 and 4
d)2 and 4
3. The statement about the sun is wrong...
a) The sun is surrounded by planets
b) The sun is the largest celestial body in space
c) The sun emits its own light
d) The sun is the center of the solar system
The time it takes for the earth to go around the sun is called...
c) rotation time
d) the time of revolution
5. Pay attention to the following data!
(1) Has a Hydrogen cloud.
(2) It revolves around the sun in a circular orbit.
(3) It has a long tail.
(4) It is reddish in color.
From the statement above which is a characteristic of a comet is...
a)1 and 2
b)1 and 3
c)2 and 3
d)3 and 4
6. The result of the moon's time of revolution is the same as that of its rotation...
a) the occurrence of a full moon and a new moon
b) high tide and low tide in the hemisphere
c) the shape of the moon that faces the earth is always the same
d) there is a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse
7. The orbit or trajectory of the planet earth is...
c) a flat plane
d) plane of the ecliptic
8. Which of the following is not a result of the earth's rotation?
a) there is a daily apparent motion of the sun
b) there is a time difference
c) occurs day and night
d) there is a change of seasons
9. The position of the moon when there is a full moon phase and the moon is dead is...
a) I and II
b) I and III
c) II and III
d)II and IV
10.The largest planet in the solar system is...
c) Mars
d) Pluto
11. Planet mars has characteristics...
a) Smallest and brightest
b) Surrounded by something in the form of a ring
c) Largest and has 16 satellites
d) Reddish
12. In Surah Al-Baqoroh verse: 164 it is stated that in the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the ark that sails on the sea brings what is useful for humans, and what Allah sends down from the sky is water, then with water. that He gives life to the earth after its death (dry) and He spreads on the earth all kinds of animals and the movement of the winds and clouds that are controlled between the heavens and the earth; Indeed (there are) signs (oneness and greatness of Allah) for a people who think.
this shows that.....
a) Allah is almighty, almighty creator, almighty, and almighty while humans are small and weak
b) humans know about the universe and control the solar system
c) wise man
d) there is nothing that humans cannot do
13. At the end of January 2018 in the western region of Indonesia, a rare phenomenon occurred where the moon reached its peak phase called ….
a) supermoon
b) moonrise
c) blood moon
d) new moon
14. Natural phenomena that appear in the picture are...
a) lunar eclipse
b) solar eclipse
c) mid-month
d) dead moon
15.Planet nicknamed the morning star is...
a) mercury
b) venus
c) mars
d) Jupiter
16.One of the consequences of the earth's revolution is...
a) Alternating day and night
b) The difference in the length of day and night
c) Time difference in some parts of the earth
d) Compression at the equator
17.The so-called red planet is...
a) Mars
b) Venus
d) Mercury
Based on the data in the table, there are the following statements:
1. Jupiter is the biggest planet
2. Venus is the closest planet to Earth
3. One year of Mars is longer than one of Uranus
4. One Martian year is almost equivalent to two Earth years
The correct statement is….
a)1, 2 and 3
b)1, 2 and 4
c)1, 3 and 4
d)2, 3 and 4
19. The asteroid belt lies between the planets ... and...
a) Mars, Jupiter
b)Earth, Mars
c) Jupiter, Saturn
d) Venus, Earth
20. The statement that corresponds to the picture is...
a) The planet farthest from Earth is Uranus
b) the planet with rings is Jupiter
c) all celestial bodies rotate and revolve around the earth
d) the closest planet to earth is mars
21.The largest planet in our solar system is...
a) Uranus
c) Neptune
22. Which of the following is not a result of the revolution of the earth?
a) There is a time difference
b) The annual pseudo-motion of the sun
c) You can see different constellations
d) Seasonal differences
23.Between the universe (creatures) and Allah have a close bond, and even though it has its own laws, creation is very dependent on an infinite and absolute creator. This statement is contained in ...............................
a) Al-Qur'an letter A-Nur verse 41
b) Al-Qur'an letter A-Nur verse 42
c) Al-Qur'an letter A-Nur verse 43
d) Javanese Primbon
24. The nature of a solid object is...
a) the shape changes according to the shape of the container
b) fixed shape because it does not follow the shape of the container
c) the size changes according to the place
d) fills the entire space it occupies
25.Pay attention to the following natural events!
1. Change of day and night
2. Changes in the length of day and night
3. Different constellations every month
4. Earth's annual apparent motion
5. Wind direction deflection
6. Seasons change
The result of the earth's revolution is indicated by the event number...
a)1, 3 and 5
b)1, 4 and 6
c)2, 3 and 5
d)2, 4 and 6
26.Pay attention to the following natural event data!
1. Indonesia has three time zones, namely WIB, WITA, and WIT
2. Certain hemispheres experience day and night
3. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
4. Changes in the length of day and night at a certain place in a hemisphere
The event caused by the rotation of the earth is indicated by the number...
a)1 and 2
b)2 and 4
c)1 and 3
d)3 and 4
27.There are several groups of planets as follows:
1) Mercury.
2) Venus.
3) Earth.
4) Mars.
The planet above belongs to the group of planets...
c) Inferior
28.The solar system is...
a) The sun and objects in space
b) The sun, planets, and celestial bodies that revolve around them
c) The sun, moon, and earth
d) The sun, moon, and stars in the sky
29.Satellite planet Saturn is...
a) Ganymede
b) Callisto
c) titan
The member of the solar system that has the most elliptical orbit is...
a) asteroids
c) satellite
d) comet
31.Pay attention to the following statement!
(1) Have the same time of rotation and period of revolution.
(2) Is a satellite of the earth.
(3) Gives off its own light.
(4) The farther away from the sun during the revolution the greater.
The correct statement about the characteristics of the moon is….
a)1 and 2
b)1 and 3
c)2 and 3
d)3 and 4
32. Earth's natural satellite is...
a) Phobos
c) Moon
33.Pay attention to the following statement!
(1) Famous for its rings
(2) Inhabited by living things
(3) Has one satellite
(4) Reddish in color
The statement above which includes the characteristics of the planet earth is...
a)1 and 2
b)1 and 3
c)2 and 3
d)3 and 4
34. The time it takes the earth to rotate on its axis is called...
c) rotation time
d) the time of revolution
35. Planets that are beautiful because they have rings are called planets...
a) mars
c) Saturn
d) earth
36.Pay attention to the following data!
(1) Known as the red planet
(2) Have a beautiful ring
(3) Inhabited by living things
(4) Located close to the earth
The statement above which includes the characteristics of the planet Mars is...
a)1 and 2
b)2 and 3
c)3 and 4
d)4 and 1
Answer Key
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